Friday 27 March 2015

Evaluation Question 6

what have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Throughout the process of creating this media product i have had to use many different types of technologies whether it be physical technology which we can hold, touch and use ourselves or if it is non-physical software such as adobe premiere or websites like the one i am using right now.

The hardware which i have mostly used throughout the entire course are things such as the camera recorder, digital still camera, the tripod and the microphone.
I have extensively used the camera throughout the recording of the film and have used the camera as well in uploading the footage onto the computer in order to use it through other programs and software's such as premiere pro and sometimes even Photoshop especially when we had to use in order to create the ident and other aspects of the film.
The digital still camera was also used throughout the creation of the other blogs and even more so when it came to taking photos of the storyboard and shot list etc. so we have also use that quite a bit and used it in uploading the photos to the computer in order to be posted onto my blogs.
The tripod was used throughout the entire filming process, there were very few moments where we did not use the tripod for filming as the tripod really helps to keep the camera stable and stop it from wobbling or looking uneven in any kind of way.
The microphone was also used for the majority of it except for the mo
ments where the wind was so strong and relentless that we were just physically not able to use it otherwise it would end up sounding really bad and the audio of the actors would be indistinguishable, we used the microphone for everything else however as it just generally allowed for better and crisper quality than the cameras built in microphone and also allowed us to hear what everyone was saying or all of the ambient sounds even if they were pretty far away as the mic is that powerful it can even pick up footsteps from the other end of the road, this is why we decided to use it as the cameras microphone would just not be able to pick this kind of stuff up. 

I have used many types of software extensively throughout the entire course and they mainly consisted of premiere pro, adobe after effects and adobe Photoshop. 
The main one which i used out of all of these was premiere pro and to some extent after effects and Photoshop, premiere pro was the software which we had use for the video editing and is the main reason as to why the finished product is how it is now, we used this software in order to put all of the footage together and edit in any sound effects or extra audio which we needed such as the door creak when Destiny opened the shed in order to see Sam and other sound effects such as the lock on the door once Destiny shuts it behind him and leaves Sam.
Photoshop was mainly used for the creation of the ident and the images which were part of it, i ad used Photoshop in order to edit the image of the moon above the ocean and to also edit the text onto it above the ocean but appearing in front of the moon. 
I had played around with adobe after effects at one point in an attempt to create a different version of the ident however we did not end up using it as the group decided that we could create an simpler but just as effective ident through using premiere pro and the effects option which that had. 

Internet sites
I have used many, many different types of websites through the creation of these blogs especially through the creation of these different kinds of evaluation questions, the main ones which i have used are blogger, padlet, wallwisher, spicynodes and slide share.
All of these have been used for the different evaluation questions and if you was to go back through my blogs and check all of them then you would see the examples of different types of websites which i have put together.
I mostly enjoyed using padlet and Spicynodes mainly due to the fact that they are vibrant, colorful and interactive which makes them much more easier to use and much nicer to look at than say just a blogger post or just a power point

Through this course i have learnt to use all of these different types of website and have learnt how to use all of the different software which i have listed above as well as learnt how to effectively use a camera, tripod and microphone and how to effectively use a digital camera as well, i have also gained many skills when it comes to the creation of videos and different types of presentation websites and have gained a lot of new skills with the usage of software and different types of programs especially with premiere pro, i have basically edited nearly all of our past works and when the group has a problem with editing they come to me for help sometimes so that is just proof that i have gained new knowledge, skills and have adapted to using them very well. 

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