Thursday 4 December 2014

past student thrillers (finished)

previous media studies thrillers


I think that while this is a good idea and a good concept it is not really carried out as well as it could have been and a couple of the shots within the sequence are very out of place, for example at the beginning there is a very unnecessarily large amount of walking down to the girls house and could have easily been either edited out or should not have been shot at all as it is just too long and the walking takes up too much time of the whole thing, another shot which i did not really like was the over the shoulder shot of the girl, while it was a nice idea to have an over the shot of the conversation we are instead greeted by glaringly large light coming off the street light, and finally the last two shots do not make really any sense at all, all that we see is a straight cut to the boy dead then it cuts to black at the end with the girl looking out of the window with a scream, we really do not have any idea what has happened and a lot of it is left to the imagination, even if there was some grabbing at the end that would have made it somewhat slightly better.

After Eight:

I believe that this one is done really well and keeps us well informed and filled in as to whats going on throughout the whole thing that is up until the end, what i mean by this is that we can clearly see at the beginning that the man has came home from work or school while the woman is cooking dinner for both of them as the guy has finished in the shed doing what he needs to he sits down reading a newspaper until the dinner is done and while this seems a bit boring what i like about it is that there are a couple of things that they do not openly explain or show us that keep this interesting for example the man seems very shifty always looking around when he is walking up to the shed then he is seen reaching into what seems to be a freezer but he does not pull anything out or put anything inside of it and once he is finished and returning the way he came he seems to have had a change of clothing for no apparent reason most notably losing his coat and the goes to sit down for dinner as if nothing unusual has happened in the first place, the thing that further enforces this sense of mysteriousness and danger is the fact that we are not shown what the girl is cooking until the very end and to me seems to be some kind of hand/finger and they both act as if it nothing unusual where it then cuts to the title screen, all in all this is a great set-up for a horror movie and the editing is also done very well even if the only transition used was straight cuts it work extremely well in this clip to help build that worry and keep the pace up as well as keeping an eye on both of the characters, it just all works very well together.

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