Thursday 18 December 2014

Styles of editing (finished)

There are many different styles of editing when it comes to movies and film producing and many different types of transitions or "cuts" throughout the whole film.
straight cut:
This is the most standard form of transition or editing which can occur in films, a straight cut is when one shot moves instantaneously to another without attracting the audiences attention, straight cuts are "invisible" to the audience as people do not generally pick up on them and do not worry about them they just view the movie as normal, this helps to retain reality.
A dissolve is when one shot fades off screen while another fades in screen and takes its place, the audience will be able to see both shots on the screen at one during the "midpoint" of the dissolve this type of transition is generally used if the director of the film wants to show a connection between two characters, places or objects.
The fade is a gradual darkening or whitening of the screen and image until it eventually becomes fully black or fully white, one shot will only fade until eventually nothing can be seen apart from that one colour which it faded to, it is generally used to show the passing of time in a movie.
a wipe is when one image is pulled off screen by another, the image can be pulled off screen either to the left or to the right, it does not matter however it is more common to be pulled off to the left side of the screen as this is better associated with time moving forward.
jump cut:
this transition is where the audiences attention is bought onto something very suddenly, and it "jumps" to the object of interest, it appears as if a section of the film has been lost or removed and continues with a different section.
graphic match:
This transition is when the film maker chooses to place shot in a certain order one after another to create a smooth visual transfer from one object to another, the two object or scenes have to generally look similar as to create the smooth transition.

production meeting 2 (finished)

Production meeting 2

this is our second production meeting once we had split up into our two separate groups, we immediately began to work on thinking up ideas for our own separate movie even if the other two from the original group were going to also star in it we had to think up our own separate idea and own movie, we discussed the different types of shots that are going to be involved, what the plot-line for the story is and we also discussed the setting and any possible props which we were going to use. 

Thursday 4 December 2014

"rope" blog (finished)

"rope" blog

The director of this movie is Alfred Hitchcock it is based off a play by Hume Cronyn from Patrick Hamilton, the play itself is said to be based off the grisly Leopold and loeb case of 1924, the case itself involved the two upper class law students murdering a lower class teenage boy which they knew and done it simply because they believed that they could and would be able to get away with it due to them being higher class than the victim and they believed also that their intellectual superiority made them void of any punishment from the law which the rest of us have to obey.
Thriller movies themselves are mainly characterized by the films fast paced and frequent action, this is true for rope as throughout the whole movie from the point where the body is hidden all the way to the end where the body is discovered all of the characters are in the same room as it and the trunk without even realizing even to the point where they are eating off the trunk where the body is hidden and still do not realize at all, this definitely gives the movie its fast paced action as we want the people to just open the trunk and find out about the murder which was committed however every time that  any of the characters even get remotely close to the body they are asked to leave the trunk alone and to not open it up, however as the trunk get closer and closer to being opened and they are stopped in their tracks this raises more and more suspicion with one of the other characters who almost plays the "detective" role in ultimately discovering the body, this movie does a very good job of keeping us on the edge of our seats at all times. 
However the other main aspect which thrillers are known for is the idea that the villain or villains are the ones which create the obstacles and the problems which the heroes then have to overcome this is only true to some extent with "rope", instead of the villains throwing multiple obstacles which our hero has to overcome there is no real indistinguishable hero and the only main obstacle which they have to overcome is simply just finding the body and solving the mystery behind the murder. Another two devices which this movie seems to use very well is suspense and the use of dramatic irony, throughout the whole movie there is suspense, we do not know if the body is ever going to be found with the idea of it being able to be found at any moment and at the same time the two villains keeping everyone away from it extremely well, this creates suspense as we know that anything can happen at any moment also dramatic irony comes into play with the audience being the only people besides from the villains to know about the crime which had taken place and where the body is
located i think this is a very well used tool as it creates tonnes of suspense and a lot of fast pacing throughout the movie as well and works a lot better than if we also did not know the body was there, another reason why i believe it is better that we know is that it makes the audience almost wish that they could jump into the big screen and tell everyone what had happened and thus gets you directly involved with the movie.

I think that the editing is done very well considering the fact that it was all done in one massive take and each time the cameras closes up up onto something that is when the ten minute reels are changed and when the cuts take place and the fact that the chest is always in shot fits very nicely into this, it is always reminding us of where the body is and gives us this sense of claustrophobia with the box taking up a seemingly large portion of the screen at all times, the continuous editing as well also gives us this idea of it all happening live in front of us as one massive play which gets us even more involved with the movie and makes us feel more as if we are part of it. 

past student thrillers (finished)

previous media studies thrillers


I think that while this is a good idea and a good concept it is not really carried out as well as it could have been and a couple of the shots within the sequence are very out of place, for example at the beginning there is a very unnecessarily large amount of walking down to the girls house and could have easily been either edited out or should not have been shot at all as it is just too long and the walking takes up too much time of the whole thing, another shot which i did not really like was the over the shoulder shot of the girl, while it was a nice idea to have an over the shot of the conversation we are instead greeted by glaringly large light coming off the street light, and finally the last two shots do not make really any sense at all, all that we see is a straight cut to the boy dead then it cuts to black at the end with the girl looking out of the window with a scream, we really do not have any idea what has happened and a lot of it is left to the imagination, even if there was some grabbing at the end that would have made it somewhat slightly better.

After Eight:

I believe that this one is done really well and keeps us well informed and filled in as to whats going on throughout the whole thing that is up until the end, what i mean by this is that we can clearly see at the beginning that the man has came home from work or school while the woman is cooking dinner for both of them as the guy has finished in the shed doing what he needs to he sits down reading a newspaper until the dinner is done and while this seems a bit boring what i like about it is that there are a couple of things that they do not openly explain or show us that keep this interesting for example the man seems very shifty always looking around when he is walking up to the shed then he is seen reaching into what seems to be a freezer but he does not pull anything out or put anything inside of it and once he is finished and returning the way he came he seems to have had a change of clothing for no apparent reason most notably losing his coat and the goes to sit down for dinner as if nothing unusual has happened in the first place, the thing that further enforces this sense of mysteriousness and danger is the fact that we are not shown what the girl is cooking until the very end and to me seems to be some kind of hand/finger and they both act as if it nothing unusual where it then cuts to the title screen, all in all this is a great set-up for a horror movie and the editing is also done very well even if the only transition used was straight cuts it work extremely well in this clip to help build that worry and keep the pace up as well as keeping an eye on both of the characters, it just all works very well together.

First production meeting (finished)

First production meeting:

For our first meeting we had discussed between our group what it was that we were going to do for the media clips, the group consists of me,sam,James,destiny and azimul. we had decided that we had to do two different mini movies when it comes to filming them as we had too many people to just produce one.
we have decided that group one will be destiny,sam and me while group two will be James and azimul while we will be all working together with one another.
our group has decided to produce a film in which the basic premise is where someone will be captured and held for ransom by a psychopath/serial killer, The movie is going to be called "illuminate" and the setting is going to either in an abandoned kind of hut which we had found over central park or we are going to see if anybody has a empty shed in which we can use, 

studio idents (finished)

Studio Idents

All films have at least one film company or studio idents backing them, a studio ident is a company that specializes in making and helping to produce films so i guess you could also call them production companies however in this we are talking about when a studio or multiple idents which help the movies director to produce their film through funding and also advertisement/propaganda for the movie for example posters and television advertisements, there are many different studio idents out there and you will always see them during the opening of the movie by their unique opening sequence and after watching or seeing them quite a few times you will almost always instantly recognize them without having to watch the entire sequence play through as the majority of them or at least the major ones have been around for a very long time and have backed many,many movies especially the major titles which we all love and know such as matrix, titanic, aliens etc. here are some great examples of some of the biggest studio idents out there:
Walt Disney:
20th Century Fox:
Warner Brothers:

Modern thriller openings

Modern thriller openings: