Tuesday 14 October 2014

Thriller conventions (finished)

Blog one-thriller conventions               

A thriller is classified in many different ways but the main two ways in which a movie is classified as a thriller is if the movie has fast pacing or frequent action and the main plot is nearly always driven by a villain whilst the hero reacts to the things which the villain throws his way, a great example of this type of plot is in basically all of the James bonds films where the villain is always trying to take over the world or attempting to blow it up, in thrillers the hero always has to be resourceful also finding alternative and interesting ways to defeat the villain from using the environment to his advantage when fighting as shown during the scene where he uses the sink in the bathroom to drown the enemy to using his own wit and smart judgement to escape from the enemies traps.
In a thriller there is always a lot of action all of the time and in those rare moments in which there is no action then instead there is a lot of suspense and a lot of build-up to the action which is going to be coming along shortly, to complement this in most thrillers the hero's are hardened warriors accustomed to fighting and near-death situations so none of these horrific encounters and treacherous traps phase the hardened warrior at all whereas it would shock the audience, although most heroes appear to be hardened veterans there are many cases in which ordinary everyday people are dragged into the action packed situations of heroes and villains and this is very popular with older thriller films such as north-by-northwest and many other of Hitchcock's films, along with this the hero is mainly a male who appears tall and well built as evident with basically all of the James bond films however thriller films have recently more and more often been using women instead of mean as the main character, this is also very evident the film aliens in which the main character Ripley is attempting to hide and escape from the threat which is the alien.
Some people may accidentally confuse thriller movies for mystery story movies however there are many differences between the two, the two types are most easily distinguished by their plots and the way in which the story progresses, in a thriller the movie involves the hero attempting to stop the villain from finalising and acting upon their evil schemes as opposed to mystery movies which involve the hero or mainly the detective in uncovering a mystery/crime which has already been committed, another difference between the two is that in a thriller movie you generally know the identity of the bad guy throughout the whole movie and it is not kept a secret whereas with a mystery story the identity of the villain is kept a mystery throughout the whole movie that is until the end where the identity is the big reveal.
The main way of telling whether a movie is a thriller or not is simply if it thrills you, it is supposed to thrill and excite you as opposed to being mysterious and building suspense, it is supposed to simply keep you on the edge of your seat. 

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